Debjani Sinha Trying to test the waters of content generation on a variety of topics that interest or amuse me. 49 posts
Toddler Care Skin Care Products for Toddlers - My Top Five Must-haves I want to talk about the little one toddling around our house as a recurring feature in my blogs. He is all of 20-month-old and fills our hearts and home Debjani Sinha September 11 • 8 min read
Sticker Book Sticker Chart/ Book - A tool for getting Homework Done [Free Printables] I don’t remember my parents pleading me to do my homework or prepare for my exams. They were aware of the carrot and stick approach, but going down memory Debjani Sinha September 9 • 3 min read
Remote Learning Remote/ Online learning - challenges & probable solutions With the rising numbers of new COVID 19 infections, the threat for a second wave looms large on our city Toronto, our province, and the country in general. The weather Debjani Sinha September 8 • 8 min read
Getting to know your child form Getting to know your child form/ questionnaire [Free Printables] At last, its that time of the year we all have been looking forward to since spring. Schools are reopening, whether in-class or remote learning, it is time for our Debjani Sinha September 5 • 2 min read
Reward Chart Reward Chart - A simple tool for Positive Reinforcement [Free Printables] Parenting in itself is a challenging job, parenting in the current ongoing pandemic is altogether a different league. Our lives rise and fall in tandem with the daily news bites. Debjani Sinha September 3 • 4 min read
Child Weaning Child Weaning/ Introducing Solids - Is there a stress-free way? Eating solid food for the first time is one of the many milestones of a child’s life. So much so that we Indians commemorate this occasion in our place Debjani Sinha September 2 • 7 min read
Kids Face Mask How to get our kids to wear a mask? The summer is almost over and most of us are over this threshold of having to convince our kid why wearing a mask is crucial for their safety. First, the Debjani Sinha August 29 • 3 min read
Kids Face Mask Ideas for introducing masks to the special ones Life is never easy for kids with special needs. It has become harder with the COVID 19 pandemic. Being restricted at home with their daily routines changed, therapies canceled, and Debjani Sinha August 28 • 4 min read
Kids Face Mask Kids’ Face Mask - Spoilt For Choice? The first time we went into lockdown, the week preceding the Spring Break in March of 2020, I wouldn’t have imagined that it would be extended till the Fall Debjani Sinha August 27 • 6 min read
Back To School Back To School - Which pricey items are worth your buck? My take is that Back to School deals come second to none other than the Black Friday sale. Every brand and shop, even the grocery stores advertise products for this Debjani Sinha August 24 • 4 min read
school-readiness Top 5 Kindergarten School Readiness Tips for Parents The school year 2020 is here. We live in Canada and are looking forward to a September 15 reopening. Today I will share my top 5 tips that we follow Debjani Sinha August 22 • 4 min read
must have books Top 7 types of Books you must-have in your Child's Library The art of reading could possibly be the best gift you can give your child. It goes a long way in developing their imagination, vocabulary, communication skills and knowledge. Introducing Debjani Sinha August 21 • 5 min read
Junk Food Necessary Evil for my child I must confess that I am guilty of offering my son pizza for dinner once a week. Not that my son loves pizza, in fact he would willingly gobble dry Debjani Sinha August 20 • 3 min read